Thank you for your interest in submitting a paper to 1STASRIC 2019. Please review the terms & conditions carefully to ensure that you fully understand the terms when you register your paper. These terms are binding once you complete your registration.
1.0 Submission Quality
For a full paper to be published in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), publishers stipulate some conditions on authors to publish with them. Authors should always ensure that these areas are fulfilled in order for their work to be published in the journal:
Authors should always ensure that their work has sufficient novelty, is original and previously unpublished, has excellent technical depth and content worthy of publication in the journal, and observe a good level of English.
Authors have to include together signed IJRTE copyright form during full paper submission
Authors should always ensure that their final manuscript addresses the issues and comments by the reviewers selected by the 1STASRIC 2019 organizing committee.
Authors should always ensure that their work follows the formatting and referencing guidelines and the publication ethics as written in the full paper template.
Authors should always ensure that all the figures and tables in the paper are clearly presented.
Authors will be contacted later to amend their papers if the quality is not yet accepted by the publisher.
The 1STASRIC 2019 organizing committee is responsible, to the best of our effort, for managing the symposium review process, helping to ensure the quality of English and collection of final manuscripts to be published.
Please note that the 1STASRIC 2019 organizing committee reserves all rights to decline your manuscript for publication in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) if the publisher deems that your manuscript is not of sufficiently high quality for publication, without any refund of the fees paid. This needs to be done in order to protect the rights of other authors, whose work may be declined as well in case the publisher decides to reject the entire publication collection submitted by the 1STASRIC 2019 organizing committee.
2.0 Symposium Matters
With regard to the 1STASRIC 2019 symposium itself, authors agree to the following on the completion of registration:
Each paper will only cater for registration of one author registration.
In the event of a no-show or publish-only registration, a registered author cannot ask for symposium materials to be sent to the author unless the author agrees to certain additional fees to be decided by the organizer.
Authors who register and present their papers will receive one presentation certificate. Additional certificates for attendance will be provided for other authors with a certain additional fee to be decided by the organizer.
Authors agree that the publication of accepted papers may take AT LEAST 6 months in order to be published in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE). It can be higher than the mentioned dates (more than 15 months) if the queue for publication is long at the Publisher side. The organizers are responsible only for the submission of accepted and registered papers to the journal.
The symposium fees would not be refunded in the event of paper withdrawal.
The organizer is not responsible to provide online access or printed copies of accepted papers.
3.0 Binding of the Terms & Conditions
Please note that all terms and conditions will be applied automatically upon completion of your registration.
Thank you,
1STASRIC 2019 Organizing Committee