Call for Reviewers
1stASRIC 2019 serves as a communication platform for academics, researchers, graduates and industry professionals to exchange, share and discuss their experiences and relevant outcomes about all aspects of applied sciences. As such, we would like to invite EXPERTS from the discipline of Applied Sciences to contribute in the process of reviewing to help uphold the quality of full papers submitted for publication.
Selected reviewers will be connected through OpenConf System generated by the conference organizing committee regarding the review process.
A single-blind peer-review process will be conducted for all submitted full papers.
Reviewer will be assigned for a maximum number of Three (3) full papers submitted to 1stASRIC 2019.
Reviewers are required to assess on the content suitability and academic quality of every paper followed by providing comments, suggestions (if any) and a recommendation (reject, revise or accept). The time allocated for reviewing is not more than 14 days. We are highly appreciate if reviewers return comments in a timely manner.
The reviewers work on voluntarily basis and no remunerations will be provided. However, an e-letter of appreciation will be provided after the completion of a timely quality review.
To those interested, please log on: to sign up as a reviewer by entering the keycode: asric2019_rev